Golf Mind Coaching - Transform Your Thinking and Your Game!

Sometimes the most simple way to improve our golf is to change our thinking on the course.
Imagine if it were possible and you can Learn to perform at your very best .
Having the keys to access your best golf game with less effort.
By Developing a mental game plan and using the skills of NLP , you will Learn to be in control of your game.
How do I Learn the mind Skills for Better Golf?
Sessions can either take place on the Course or Practice Range or The Golf Studio
Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is really a guide to how our minds work & are programmed in the way .that we think. If you can imagine our minds are great supercomputers processing thousands of processes the unconscious level . However for many people some of the software running the brain when it relates to Golf may not be as effective as it could be - we form habits of thinking which many times can get in the way when we are playing maybe an " important" game. "
The Great thing about NLP is it allows you the chance to change your thinking VERY Quickly!
NLP is useful to control your focus & state of mind -
Fact : emotions drive behaviour & these are driven by only Three main areas :
1. Your Physiology - how you move , breathe , posture etc - by changing how you move this literally in seconds changes how you feel & perform using some NLP techniques such as anchoring you can automatically trigger the state of mind you want , right when you need it!
2. Your Language - what you say & more important how you say it makes a massive difference at a concious & unconcious level - an obvious and simple example would be to say "i always slice it here" this tells your brain - this is what i do , so go ahead & slice it! By changing your internal dialogue (what you say to yourself) & external (what you say out loud) you can set a path for improvement quickly and easily!!
3. Your Focus - what you visualise , in NLP you can manage your focus , changing how you picture what you want will help you get it faster , with less effort - more fun & less stress!
By Learning to control your focus & positive emotions in conjunction with a Mental Game Plan You Will Play Your Best Golf!!